Yoga Biomechanics: Stretching Redefined
Tout y est… Les questions sous jacente à notre belle pratique, un prélèvement pertinent dans la fameuse science occidentale (les physio ou kinés principalement - souvent testé par moi auprès de mes ami.e.s kiné). Une base essentielle, à lire, relire et à compléter ou précéder par sa formation en ligne… pas chère!
« Yoga Biomechanics: Stretching Redefined provides a unique evidence-based exploration into the complexities of human movement and what a safe, effective yoga practice entails. The emphasis is taken off flexibility and centered around a narrative of body tissue adaptation. Conventional approaches to modern yoga are examined through a biomechanist’s lens, highlighting emerging perspectives in both the rehabilitation and sport science literature. Artfully woven throughout the book is a sub-text that improves the reader’s research literacy while making an impassioned plea for the role of research in the evolution of how teachers teach, and how practitioners practice. Yoga teachers and yoga practitioners alike will discern yoga asana for its role in one’s musculoskeletal health. Yoga therapists and other allied healthcare providers can apply principles discussed to their respective professions. All readers will understand pose modifications in the context of load management, reducing fears of injury and discovering the robustness and resilience of the human body. »